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about us

JACK is an education center for female refugees and women in need of shelter in Germany. We offer a diverse course program to interested women who are denied other access to education. In our literacy courses and German classes, computer courses, cultural and social activities we want to strengthen the women\’s autonomy and social participation. The course participants become an active part in shaping our center by developing their own ideas and projects.

target group

Our program addresses women:

  • … in special need of shelter and support
  • … who are excluded from other courses due to their legal status or other formal obstacles
  • … without sufficient financial means

JACK offers its courses in cooperation with counselling center SOLWODI, the Internationalen Pastoralen Zentrum (IPZ), the catholic church of Nord-Neukölln at St. Eduard and the Jesuiten Flüchtlingsdienst (JRS). It’s self-evident to us that all our activities are realised while being responsive to individual needs. Our work is guided by an accepting attitude, dialogue and inspiration and motivation for own ideas.


We are always in need of helping hands and donations. Support our work!

course programme

Apart from German courses we offer computer and sewing courses as well as international cooking. For mothers there is free child-care during the classes.